Fundamental Limits on Artificial General Intelligence.

This new work “How Organisms Come to Know the World: Fundamental Limits on Artificial General Intelligence(GI)”, co-authored by Andrea Roli, Johannes Jaeger and Stuart A. Kauffman, discusses several significant obstacles on this path of General Artificial Intelligence.

They points out that general intelligence involves situational reasoning, taking perspectives, choosing goals, and an ability to deal with ambiguous information which basically involves the ability of identifying and exploiting new affordances on the path of an agent to achieve its goals.

Problem is that it is impossible to predefine features and limitations of affordances in context. This makes it difficult to develop algorithmic solutions.


“the prospective uses of an object (and hence the decomposition we choose to analyze it) depend on the goals of the agent using it, which, in turn, depend on the agent’s repertoire of actions and the affordances available to it, which change constantly and irreversibly over time. It is exactly because all of these are constantly evolving through their co-emergent dialectic interactions that the number of uses of an object remains indefinite and, in fact, unknowable “

They also take a devastating dig into Bayesian and other sophisticated models

Read further here

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