Metastability in Dynamical systems

Enabling constraints are metastable. This means, it can jump back and forth from seemingly contradictory states like equilibrium/chaos, linier/non-linier, etc. This was clearly articulated by Scott Kelso as following;

“When you go into the metastable regime, you see that you actually have a bunch of complementary pairs: individual and collective, parts and wholes, segregation and integration, choice and chance, competition and cooperation, linear and non-linear, symmetry and broken symmetry, stability and instability, states and tendencies. These are actually complementary, and…this exposes the basic truth that when you’re in this metastable regime of the dynamics, which is ubiquitous, you see these aspects not as contraries at all, but as complementary. So this…expresses a basic truth that both complementary aspects and their dynamics are required for understanding…but one without the other, the understanding is incomplete.”

  • Scott Kelso, Understanding behavior and the brain from the perspective of a dynamical theory. (Source: Kelso Scott – Understanding behaviour and the brain from the perspective of a dynamical theory. HPB Education( 8th Baltic-Nordic Summer School. Link:

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